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LockedLeaderboard gets unlocked automatically when you lock some tricks. Visit Trick list to learn more.
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Leaderboard (7-day)
Leaderboard (30-day)
Leaderboard (All Time)
Who can join?
First time on a board.
With a dream to become a pro.
Pro Riders
Let's make some noise.
Kids need a role model.
Free Riders
To express that gnarly itch.
Everyone else
For the joy of it.
- What is Leaderboard?
- We crunch riders data from events, competitions, social profiles and activities (including this website) and prepare weekly rankings.
- How can I join?
- The fastest way to join is by participating in our community.
- Can I do tricks?
- Yes, absolutely. Go to Trick List and lock as many as you can.
- How can I participate?
- Share edits, upvote stories, post comments, contribute to Roadmap and more. Check how it works here.