
Compare your progress and see how you rank among your peers.

Leaderboard gets unlocked automatically when you lock some tricks. Visit Trick list to learn more.

Who can join?


First time on a board.


With a dream to become a pro.

Pro Riders

Let's make some noise.


Kids need a role model.

Free Riders

To express that gnarly itch.

Everyone else

For the joy of it.


What is Leaderboard?
We crunch riders data from events, competitions, social profiles and activities (including this website) and prepare weekly rankings.
How can I join?
The fastest way to join is by participating in our community.
Can I do tricks?
Yes, absolutely. Go to Trick List and lock as many as you can.
How can I participate?
Share edits, upvote stories, post comments, contribute to Roadmap and more. Check how it works here.